I'm going to show you how to make money writing articles. Article marketing is an easy concept that will allow you to make money writing articles. Take that existing blog that you have created about your hobby or recent travel destination and turn it into a cash generating blog. That's right, turn your blog into a successful income generating tool. If you do not currently have a blog, keep reading because I'll show you exactly what to do. Article marketing is the easiest technique to begin your online journey to making money. I did not "blog" until I developed an interest in making money online. I now feel compelled to share this valuable information with the rest of you.
You will begin by choosing your topic or niche. This can be anything you want it to be. For this purpose, I have chosen making money online by writing articles. I got started with online marketing a few months ago. I enjoy article writing because I can share my thoughts, ideas, and interests with the world and make money while doing it. When you choose your topic, make it fun. Choose a topic that you enjoy. The best practice in writing articles is to choose a subject that you feel passionate about. If the passion is there, this will be a fun and enjoyable hobby or part time job that you will have fun doing! If you are still searching for a niche. I always find it easier to come up with ideas if I develop an acronym. Think of it this way:
N ow
Everyone......finish the sentence. Now you have your niche! Congratulations!
N ow
Everyone......finish the sentence. Now you have your niche! Congratulations!
Keyword Phrase
This is most important piece of your campaign. This is the words that users type into a search engine to find what they are looking for. You want to ensure you pick a key word phrase that has less than 5,000 searches. This will narrow down your opportunities to welcome traffic to your site.
Try GOOGLE KEYWORD TOOL. It's free and easy to use.
Write the Article
By this time, you have chosen your topic. You've chosen your keywords and now you are ready to begin. Your article should be a minimum of 500 words. You want to ensure you are not duplicating someone else's work and your article content is relevant to the topic that you have chosen. Your article shouldn't sound like it was typed from a computer generated informational site. Make your article stand out. Your article should read as if you were sending a letter to a friend. You want to excite your readers on the topic of choice. Why should you start article writing? What are the benefits of article writing? What can you expect from article writing?
Publishing an article on the Internet will not cost you anything. What do you need? A computer, a valid email address, and the drive to start on your journey to success. This is not an overnight million dollar opportunity. There are no limits on article submission. The benefits are sharing your thoughts, ideas, and interests with the world. The expectations are limitless. You pick the topic, you write the article, now comes the easy part.
Article Submission
Once you've completed your article. Its time to get it published. You can publish your articles on sites such as :
Please ensure that you have a valid log on to these sites for your article submission.
Making Money With Your Article
Now that you've experienced success with your first article publication. Now its time to make some money with your article. You now want to become an affiliate. There are numerous online affiliate programs that you can join. This is called monetizing your blog or site.
By learning affiliate marketing you will be able to build and generate a supplemental income.
Your success map:
- Find a niche
- Develop a key word
- Write an article
- Create your blog
- Monetize
- Learn to create traffic to your blog and avoid SPAMMING.
These 5 easy steps are your road map to success in Affiliate Marketing!
I got the blog, my blog has some traffic, but very few click on the ads. I guess I just have to be patient although I would like people to click. Do you have any tips on how I can get more clicks?